SEO Statistics can guide digital marketers, website owners, and businesses in optimizing their online presence.

This article delivers you the latest SEO and search statistics that will help to create a well-informed SEO strategy. 

Editor’s Top Picks 

Google owns 92% of the Search market. (Zee Business)

If it takes more than 3 seconds to load, 40% of users will close the website. (Demandsage)

87% of mobile phone users utilize search engines every day. (Demandsage)

65% of total E-commerce is generated through search engines. (Impact)

More than 70% of shoppers use mobile phones for online shopping. (SEMrush

General SEO Statistics 

1. Roughly 93% of online journeys commence with the use of a search engine. (Forbes)

2. 68% of all online user experiences originate from search engines. (BrightEdge)

3. Google continues to be the dominant search engine. (Safari Digital)

4. The compound annual growth rate of the SEO industry is anticipated to grow at 25.54% between 2024 to 2031. (Demandsage)

5. Featured snippets are now present in 12.29% of search query result pages. (Ahrefs)

6. The highest-ranked page receives the majority of search traffic in just 49% of cases. (Ahrefs)

7. A generic search initiates the research of 71% of B2B researchers. (Think With Google)

8. Approximately 5.06 billion individuals are using search engines. (Earthweb)

9. 14.6% is the closing rate of leads from SEO. (Intergrowth)

10. 4 or more words are used in 50% of the online searches. (Wordstream

11. Approximately 60% of the pages in the top 10 Google results are 3 years old on average. (Ahrefs

12. On average, a searcher uses about 3 words in their Query. (Moz)

13. 65% of total E-commerce is generated through search engines. (Impact)

14. If it takes more than 3 seconds to load, 40% of users will close the website. (Demandsage)

Google Search Statistics 

15. Every month Google is visited 84.2 Billion times. (Similarweb)

16. 71% of the clicks are from the 1 page on Google. (Hubspot)

17. Results on pages 2 and 3 on Google get 6% clicks. (Hubspot)

18. Google owns 92% of the Search market. (Zee Business)

19. 21% of Google searches result in multiple clicks on its search results. (Moz)

20. 72% of users who conducted a Google search visited a physical store within an 8 km radius. (Safari Digital)

21. Approximately 73% of clicks are directed towards organic web listings. (Brightedge)

22. More than 50% of Google searches conclude without resulting in a click. (99 Firms)

23. 66% of searches on Google lead to 1 or more clicks. (Moz)

24. Over 1 billion questions have been asked on Google Lens. (Demandsage)

25. Each second Google handles 63,000 search queries. (Safari Digital

26. 75% of people on the Google search page will never go to the second page. (Demandsage)

27. Google Search, Google Images, and Google Maps collectively contribute to a significant 92.96% of global web traffic. (Sparktoro)

28. Google’s search algorithm takes into account over 200 ranking factors. (WebFX)

29. The average time spent on Google per visit is 11 minutes and 14 seconds. (Demandsage)

30. On every Google visit a user visits 8.79 pages. (Demandsage)

Organic Search Statistics  

31. Over 25% of people click through the first Google Search Result. (Search Engine Journal)

32. Organic search brings the highest ROI according to 49 percent of marketers. (Search Engine Journal)

33. 90% of the websites gain zero organic traffic. (Ahrefs)

34. The probability of receiving a click increases by a factor of 10x for the first organic search result, which typically has an average CTR of 27.6%. (Up Inc)

35. Organic search results that are on page 1 of Google have an average of 1,447 words. (Backlinko)

36. 84% of users utilize Google at least three times daily or more frequently. (Moz)

37. Search engines are the primary source of traffic for content websites, surpassing social media by over 300%. (ImForza

38. The first 3 organic results on Google capture a total of 61.8% of all clicks. (Safari Digital)

Local Search Statistics  

39. A local intent is featured in 46% of all Google searches. (Safari Digital)

40. 30% of mobile device searches include a location in Google Searches. (Digital Safari)

41. 61% of mobile searchers are likely to contact a local business if they have given contact information. (Hubspot)

42. 76% visit the business within 24 hours. (SEMrush)

43. Out of 5 people 4 use search engines for local queries. (Forbes)

44. For local businesses, 98% of people read reviews. (BrightLocal)

45. A staggering 56% of local businesses have not yet taken the step to list their business on Google. (Demandsage)

46. Google is the most reliable for local business reviews across all industries. (BrightLocal)

47. Negative reviews are looked up by 84% of the consumers. (Safari Digital)

48. 25% of small business websites do not contain an H1 tag. (Demandsage)

Mobile Search Statistics  

49. 72.6% of internet users will use a mobile phone to access the web. (CNBC)

50. Today, there are 5.16 Billion unique internet users. (We Are Social)  

51. More than 70% of shoppers use mobile phones for online shopping. (SEMrush

52. 58% of total searches are through mobile. (Edge of the Web)

53. Slightly less than 96% of internet users aged 16-64 possess a smartphone. (We Are Social)

54. Mobile takes 87.84% more time on average to open compared to desktop. (Backlinko)

55. A majority, 56% of in-store shoppers use their smartphones to either shop for products or do product research while physically present in a store. (Think With Google)

56. Mobile searches contribute to the most web traffic, with 41%. (Hubspot)

57. 87% of mobile phone users utilize search engines every day. (Demandsage)

58. The click-through rate for the top position decreases from 8.17% on desktop to 6.74% on mobile devices. (SEOClarity)

Voice Search Statistics  

59. 20% of the total online searches are voice searches. (Demandsage)

60. On average the reading level of the voice search is of 9th grade. (Backlinko)

61. Regardless of age, 39% of survey participants have been utilizing voice search technology for 1-2 years. (UpCity)

62. On average, a voice search consists of 29 words. (Intergrowth)

63. 90% of consumers use English for voice search rather than other languages. (UpCity)

64. Voice assistants are used by 46% of searches. (Pew Research Center)

65. By 2024, Voice search queries will increase to 2 Billion per month. (Forbes)

66. Approximately 48% of consumers use voice assistants for conducting general web searches. (Search Engine Land)

67. The average time to load a Voice search is 4.6 seconds. (Backlinko)

68. Voice queries are 3X more likely to focus on local information compared to text-based searches. (Search Engine Land)

Keyword Statistics 

69. 10-15 words long keywords get 1.76X more clicks. (Backlinko)

70. More than 29% of keywords with a monthly search volume exceeding 10,000 queries comprise three or more words. (Ahrefs)

71. Out of all keywords, 14.1% are phrased as a question. (Forbes)

72. Titles featuring a positive sentiment led to an approximate 4% increase in CTR. (Backlinko)

73. Google encounters 15% of completely new searches that have never been searched before. (Forbes)

74. A total of 97% of webpages that appear on the first page of Google search results contain at least one image. (Demandsage)

75. Uploading a blog or article on your website can result in a substantial increase of up to 146% in search traffic growth. (Demandsage)

76. Approximately 25% of all search volume occurs outside the top 100 million keywords. (Moz)

Ranking Statistics

77. Google is 57% more likely to rewrite long title tags. (Ahrefs

78. Google changes the title in approximately 61% of cases, while it modifies the description about 63% of the time. (Forbes)  

79. The average age of top-ranking web pages is 2.6 years. (Forbes)

80. Within a year of publication, only 5.7% of pages will rank in the Top 10 search results. (Ahrefs

81. Title tags are absent on 7.4% of the highest-ranking pages. (Ahrefs)

82. Meta descriptions are absent on 25.02% of the highest-ranking web pages. (Ahrefs)

83. On average, the highest-ranking organic search result garners 19 times as many clicks as the top-paid search result. (FirstPageSage)

84. 25.02% of top-ranked pages do not contain meta description. (Demandsage)

85. The bounce rate for domains ranking within the top three positions is 49%. (SEMrush)

Video Statistics 

86. Google’s worldwide searches include 62% video searches. (Demandsage)

87. There is a significant correlation between video views and search engine rankings. (Backlinko)

88. The average duration of a video that ranks on the first page of YouTube is 14 minutes and 50 seconds. (Backlinko)

89. Globally, 75% of all video plays are played on mobile devices. (Demandsage)

90. Video content has a 5 times higher likelihood of generating conversions compared to content alone. (Safari Digital)

91. 49% of marketers believe that including video in digital marketing will lead to faster revenue growth. (Demandsage)

92. 91% of businesses use Video as a marketing tool. (Wyzowl)

93. Video content has become more important, as believed by more than 80% of marketers. (Vidyard)

94. HD videos make up 68.2% of the videos found on the first page of YouTube search results. (Backlinko)

95. 89% of viewers trust YouTube creators’ recommendations. (Think With Google)


What is SEO full form?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) involves strategies and practices to improve a website’s visibility and ranking in search engine pages. 

What Is a Good SEO Percentage?

A Click-through Rate (CTR) above 3% is considered good. CTR is the percentage rate of people that open your website among others. 

For example, if an online ad is displayed 1,000 times and receives 50 clicks, the CTR would be 5%. 

Why SEO Is Important In Statistics?

SEO Statistics involves analyzing vast amounts of data to understand trends, user behavior, and search engine algorithms. Statistical methods help in organizing, summarizing, and interpreting this data effectively.

By leveraging SEO statistics, organizations can continuously improve their online visibility, user experience, and overall traffic on the website. 


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